Enter - Net


About Us
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Please Donate

Main News
We need more staff so that we can accomplish making more websites. If your intrested in becoming staff then email the Owner (Shaun) Look at the staff section to find out Shaun and the other members of staffs emails and more stuff like that.
Please donate to us so that we can improve making websites by learning more javascripts (By taking online lesson Which cost alot of money) and with the donations we will also improve features such as a Intro (What i mean is a little animation what happens while your website loads) Thanks for reading and keep coming back to find out more when we update.
Other News
We are still under construction with this website so please bare with us and wait for a day or two. But just because this website is under construction it doesn't mean that you cant do anything.

Please Donate so that we can improve on this site and other peoples sites.